I think it's the most beautiful film I can think of.

I think of true love when I think of Deckard and Rachael, and I think that it's hard because so much acts against it - to test it, and that I can understand.

I think of pain when I think of the Nexus 6 models who experience life for as long as they're allowed to.

I think of the grace that the suffering Batty exhibits when there is no longer any hope left for him.

I see the movie as a beautiful address to the pain that we experience in life; the pain that is caused by the good (ie love) and the bad (ie the cap of our existence).
Sci-fi movies have this wonderful way of detailing humanity in as few words as possible. Watching Blade Runner makes me feel very alive and very conscious of myself and my past, and the ways in which I'd like to move forward in my life. It helps to simplify what matters most.
Blade Runner - one of my favourites!
Man had met his match; now, it's his problem.